tuesday, december 5
I think I just need some rest.
+ 6:25 PM
Someone sent me some stuff from my amazon wish list without revealing who they were. Was it you? Fess up! In any case, thank you mystery person!
+ 6:22 PM
new in {fray}
"I liked the weird hours and underworld glamor, but the charm wore off that night." Jessica Webster was bait (with special appearance by guest designer Frank Kolodziej).
+ 12:14 AM
friday, december 1
+ 3:02 PM
thursday, november 30
+ 3:27 PM
wednesday, november 29
Great writing today on TeeVee: "I'm positively smitten. In fact, I'm so full of smit, I'd watch an hour of her just buttering toast."
"Full of smit." I like that.
+ 10:07 PM
tuesday, november 28
happy returns
Two of my favorite personal sites have been reborn, thanks in part to Blogger. Welcome back, Shmuel and Shauna. Nice to see you again.
+ 8:43 PM
mom was right
Okay, mom. You were right. I should have learned to type in High School.
There. I said it.
You were right. Boy do I wish I'd learned to type, now that I'm spending every day pecking out a book with two fingers and a thumb for the space bar. You were right right right.
But you were wrong about the math. I never use that shit.
+ 8:30 PM
saturday, november 25
Foggy San Francisco morning. Saturday morning cartoons. Bagles in the toaster, coffee in a mug. Eggs with green salsa. This American Life on the radio. Nowhere to go, not much to do.
Sometimes it feels like it all might really be okay.
+ 12:59 PM
thursday, november 23
Happy thanksgiving.
+ 10:48 AM