Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Archive for July 2010

Thoughts on Designing for iPad

I’ve been designing for websites for 15 years now, and designing for print for even longer. For the last few months, I led the design of MagCloud’s iPad app (now available in iTunes) with an incredibly talented group of people, and it was unlike any other experience I’ve had as a designer. Here are a few things I learned.

links for 2010-07-26

Wanna Get Planted? So I have this nutty idea to make a site for people who like plants but aren't,…

links for 2010-07-22

4chan Hackers Attack Gawker Again Gawker has successfully trolled the trolls. But to what end? Everyone here looks like a…

links for 2010-07-21

Longshot! 48 Hour Magazine is now Longshot! (tags: 48hrmag magazine) Amanda Palmer Performs The Popular Hits Of Radiohead On Her…

I Love My New Woolly Pocket

Say you’ve got a wall that gets nice light – the bright, indirect light that plants love – but you…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.