variation on a theme
In a twist on the City Stories theme, Neil Lee has started Moving Stories. Do you have a story about picking up and splitting town? Send it on!
Which reminds me of a story I wrote, man, six years ago? San Francisco has changed so much since then. I guess I have, too.
More trivia: the story I just mentioned contains the first mirror self-portrait I ever took with a digital camera. It was one of those old bulky Kodaks that I'd borrowed from the UCSC Division of the Arts when I was working there in the summer of '95. Wow.
{ 10:02pm }
{ 1 comment }
» In the summer of 1995, I coded my first ever HTML, as an intern in a Boston software house. Upon finishing the coding, I swore that I would never do it for a living.
Famous last words!
Tom Cosgrave { 7.6.01 @ 2:05am }
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