» I've just gotta put it into the record that I bought the green catsup and when I finally was done with all the old red stuff, I opened the new bottle with glee. I was twelve again. This was great. But damn it if it just isn’t fundamentally wrong. I can’t get over it. I know its cool, I know its OK, but something about eating a burger with green catsup just weirds me out.
Now it’s all gonna be different with the purple.
JSB { 8.1.01 @ 10:12pm }
» This purple bottle lark sounds like an evil corporate plot to exploit kids and sel more bottles of sauce.
As for green ketchup, well, I think it might sell well on St. Patricks Day - but that would be it!
Tom Cosgrave { 8.2.01 @ 2:17am }
» Kinda pricey for a panel, no?
mathowie { 8.2.01 @ 1:34pm }
» Here in NZ, they put beets on Burgers, even in McDonalds, so I'm pretty much used to purple juice dripping out of my quarter pounder.
ben { 8.2.01 @ 4:07pm }
» If they come around to blue ketchup, I'll consider it. But seeing purple ketchup on a plate of fries is fundamentally wrong.
Paul { 8.3.01 @ 5:08am }