» The day was indeed a greatbigfat success. Time spent with friends in a fun activity is an awesome way to spend an afternoon/evening.
JISH { 10.29.01 @ 8:11am }
» I've totally gotten hooked on geocaching... I try to go every week. When I lived in San Jose there were some really beautiful caches in the Santa Cruz mountains...
bryan { 10.29.01 @ 8:47am }
» Ok, who's got the equipment and is ready to help me plant some urban caches?
I'm thinking a great way to tell some of the tiny stories of the city I'm discovering as I walk every street, every block would be to take a picture of a small detail and make it a geocache challenge to find that detail.
Derek, what's that fancy gizmo you've got around your neck in those photos, hmmm?
Dinah { 10.30.01 @ 9:24am }
» mmmm.. geocaching. I'm outragiously hooked. We've logged caches throughout the south bay, santa cruz, and up to sacramento. I got involved by posting a message on the geocaching discussion board, asking if someone would let me tag along with them and show me how it's done.
Now, I've got my own Garmin Venture, I have a group of green friends staying at our apartment before the Central Coast picnic in Santa Cruz, and I've seen some outragiously beautiful parts of the Bay Area.
My favorite day consisted of, first, a six mile hike into the Forest of Niesene Marks, in which we did *not* find the cache but found so much peace. The last part of that day, we found two caches hidden on the UC Santa Cruz campus, then headed home to have a fresh pot of crock pot dinner waiting for us. :)
courtney { 10.30.01 @ 9:58am }
» I wish I'd been able to do one when I was visiting in SF. Next year for sure :-)
I would get into it in Ireland, but when I inquired into the state of GPS here, I find that GPS positions on survey maps are non existant, which doesn't help a lot. No one I know in Ireland seems to have heard of it anyway. Shame :-(
tomcosgrave { 10.30.01 @ 11:31am }
» Since returning from my trip to SF to Toronto, I've only found one more cache, and now the winter is coming, and it will just be too cold to spend hours wandering outside trying to get a reading, but how about a geocaching excursion at next year's SXSW? I'm in!
james { 11.1.01 @ 6:21am }
» some friends and I have been discussing different ways to do some really challenging urban caches here in San Francisco. I am eager to take advantage of downtown buildings and other municipal structures, but question how safe stashing strange packages in heavily trafficked areas is in this age of heightened paranoia. we'll keep you posted.
another fun way to exercise that eTrex is The Degree Confluence Project, an attempt at organizing visits to each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world to gather stories and photographs of each location. All 45 in California have been covered, but there are over 300 to go throughout the rest of the United States, and more than ten thousand left worldwide.
Jim { 11.3.01 @ 8:18pm }