Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

See you in LA

I’ll be on a panel at Book Expo America tomorrow. Here’s the skinny.

Scaling the New Economies: In Search of Book Publishing’s 2.0 Business Model
As consumers grow increasingly used to consuming an enormous amount of information from countless websites and blogs, for free, what’s the business model for traditional publishers? And how do we compete in a world where people are willing spend their time writing for Wikipedia, a website or blog, for nothing? With these new economies becoming known as “sharing” and “gift” economies, what’s the role of the working writer? And in a world where “free” is fast becoming the new buzz word, how do publishers make a buck? How do authors? And is there a difference between information and content? Does everything have to be free? Join us as we try to make dollars, and sense, out of these new and emerging economies and ideas.

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.