Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Cute-Fight

Cute-Fight: We Love Your Photos

We just released the biggest update to Cute-Fight since launch and we’re pretty excited about it. New photo pages, spiffier member profiles, top fighters, new badges and trophies, and lots of other bits and bobs are afoot.

Cute-Fight Is Live

On Halloween, in the dead of night, when everything was at its spookiest, we launched the site! Cute-Fight is now live and open to the public at

Alphas Are Experiments

Cute-Fight is currently in private alpha. That means the whole site is locked behind a password, and you have to request an invitation to join. People often think that a private alpha is just cover for an unfinished product, but that’s wrong. A private alpha is an experiment with a specific goal. And like any good experiment, it starts with a hypothesis, and failure is a valid result.

Starting Up: Nobody Go Near A Bus

When is that last time you felt completely irreplaceable at your job? Like the company’s life or death depended on you doing your very best work?

Starting Up: The Love

Most startups fail, so you might as well spend the time working on something you enjoy, just in case you succeed.

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.