Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Fray

90-Second Stories

A short personal story by yours truly. This is the first entry in Fray’s new 90-Second Stories group. What’s your…

How We Mail

How Fray gets from me to you! from Derek Powazek on Vimeo. Each issue of Fray Quarterly is mailed from…

Fray on Sale

We’re having a super-secret friends-only sale! Subscribe to Fray now and get five bucks off a Toe-Dipper or ten bucks…

Calling All Geeks: Fray Wants You

We’re really making the push for submissions to Fray Issue 2 now. So if you’ve got a geek story, now’s…

What kind of Geek are you?

The second issue of Fray Quarterly is on the theme: “Geek: Stories of People Taking Things Too Seriously.” And we…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.