
Knowing spam update
Just a thought from 28 June 2003 about .

In my first 24 hours with the service, KnowSpam has blocked 480 spam messages for me. Can I get an amen?

Not to turn this into a total infomercial, but what the heck. You can sign up now and it's free until 1 January 2004 (and twenty bucks a year after that). Cheaper than more spam programs, and it works better too.

One caveat: It's definitely not for beginners at the moment. For now, if you can't tell your POP from your SMTP, have a geeky friend set it up for you. Or son. (Hi mom.) Anyway, it's a new service, so I'm sure it'll get easier to set up over time.

This section is called Just a Thought. It's a blog where I post little pieces of what I'm thinking about at the moment. This page is an individual entry called “Knowing spam update” that I wrote on 28 June 2003.

Before this, I wrote a little something called “Knowing spam” on 27 June 2003. After this, I wrote “Flam Chen photos” on 28 June 2003.

Knowing spam
Today I threw in the towel in my fight against spam. Here's the thing. I own a dozen or so...
27 June 2003

Flam Chen photos
Photos from last night's Flam Chen show. One sentence review: Kinda like Cirque du Soleil if they had fire...
28 June 2003

The Fine Print

Working the web since 1995, Derek Powazek is the creator of many award-winning websites, a couple of which still exist. Derek is the cofounder of JPG Magazine and the CCO of 8020 Publishing. Derek lives in San Francisco with his wife, two nutty Chihuahuas, a grumpy cat, and a house full of plants named Fred. More »

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