
Just a thought from 16 May 2006 about .

me at 33

Today I am 33 years old. 33 years of troublemaking behind me. Hopefully 33 more to go.

Today I find myself smack dab in the middle of the most amazing moment in my career ever (if I can even apply the word "career" to the list of antics and misadventures that make up my resume). I find myself with a lot to say, lots of places to say it, and lots of people willing to listen. I find myself surrounded my supportive friends, eccentric acquaintances, and a wife so beautiful, loving, and sensitive, most days I can hardly believe my luck.

And I find myself here, online, with you, eleven years after I found this brave new world. That's a third of my life I've spent online. And I don't regret a single one.

Thanks for coming on this ride with me.

This section is called Just a Thought. It's a blog where I post little pieces of what I'm thinking about at the moment. This page is an individual entry called “33” that I wrote on 16 May 2006.

Before this, I wrote a little something called “What Would Google Do?” on 15 May 2006. After this, I wrote “Back in Black” on 18 May 2006.

What Would Google Do?
Google and I, we're old friends. I've written about them here and there for years. Google, as a web innovator,...
15 May 2006

Back in Black
My first laptop was a black Apple Powerbook G3, aka the WallStreet. I dragged the ten pound sucker across Europe...
18 May 2006

The Fine Print

Working the web since 1995, Derek Powazek is the creator of many award-winning websites, a couple of which still exist. Derek is the cofounder of JPG Magazine and the CCO of 8020 Publishing. Derek lives in San Francisco with his wife, two nutty Chihuahuas, a grumpy cat, and a house full of plants named Fred. More »

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