Digging in the Dirt
Your eyes do not deceive you – do not attempt to adjust your browser. You are looking at the latest redesign of Powazek dot com. I’d give it a number, but at this point, I’ve lost track of which version this is.
I had two goals for this design. First, as much as I love the simplicity-rules 37 signals school of design, there comes a point when you just can’t look at that much black and white Helvetica anymore. I’m all about the crisp and clean in my professional work, but this is a personal site and it should reflect the person behind it – and sometimes this person is a dirty, dirty boy. We don’t all need to look like an advertisement for Swiss dentistry equipment.
Second, and this is something I’ve been percolating for a long time, I wanted to focus more on the page bottoms. Page bottoms are the most valuable screen real estate there is. You read that right. All that nonsense about people not reading and not scrolling is complete bullshit. Longtime readers will know this – I’ve ranted about it before.
Think about it this way: Sure, maybe only a small percentage of all readers will ever make it to the bottom of a page, but those readers are your most valuable. They read all the way to the bottom. They scrolled, even! When a reader reaches the bottom, they should be rewarded with a special treat – content, navigation, tools, whatever – not coldly abandoned the way most most sites do.
So new here is a wayfinding footer – the kind of stuff that’s usually ignored in sidebars. Will it help people stay on the site and surf around? I don’t know – you tell me.
I’m not done here. A good design is like a poem – it’s never done, you just get to a point when you put it out there and hope people hear it like you meant it. So welcome to the new dotcom, same as the old dotcom, here until the next version rolls around.