Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Design

On Blocking

Today I got to participate in a conversation about Blocking in social spaces with a bunch of smart people including…

The Argument Machine

I’m not saying that Twitter was designed to create arguments. I’m just saying that, if you set out to create an Argument Machine, it’d come out looking a lot like Twitter.

Original Blogger Identity Design

The news that Google may be retiring the Blogger identity prompted me to go through my archives to find the…

New Powazek Design

So as you may have noticed, there’s a new design here on the ol’ dotcom. As much as I loved…

Design for Serendipity

I’ve spent the last few years talking to magazine publishers, editors, and bookstore owners about the future of print in our digital age. And at some point in almost every conversation, the person I’m talking to uses the word “serendipity” when singing print’s praises.
The implication in these conversations is that digital media somehow cannot create these happy accidental discoveries. But that’s just crazy talk.

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.