Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Magazines

Design for Serendipity

I’ve spent the last few years talking to magazine publishers, editors, and bookstore owners about the future of print in our digital age. And at some point in almost every conversation, the person I’m talking to uses the word “serendipity” when singing print’s praises.
The implication in these conversations is that digital media somehow cannot create these happy accidental discoveries. But that’s just crazy talk.

48 Hour Magazine Pocket Doc

How To Save A Newsweekly in 5 Easy* Steps

Newsweek is for sale. While sad, it’s also an amazing opportunity to reinvent what a newsweekly could be. And it…

What Apple Unleashed Today

So yesterday I had a total nerdgasm imagining what Apple was going to introduce and how it could change the…

What I Hope Apple Unleashes Tomorrow

I’ve spent my professional career doing basically two things: making websites and making print media. It’s my hope that what Apple unleashes tomorrow is the device that finally bridges the two.

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.