Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Apple

How To Spot A Liar

I’m not going to get into the subjective nature of truth, what’s appropriate in theater, or Mr. Daisey’s seemingly pathological need to nail himself to a cross. I just wanted to share this one observation.

Our Generation’s John Lennon

The other day I was talking to my uncle. He’s my dad’s age, a boomer. I was struggling to explain the importance of Steve Jobs’ death to my generation (“Generation X”, more or less) when this popped out of my mouth: “He was our generation’s John Lennon.” Ever since I said it, it’s been rattling around my brain. Could it be so?

Blame the iPad

Here’s how I know that Apple’s upcoming iPad is important: It’s already at fault for everyone’s worst fears. Anil Dash…

What Apple Unleashed Today

So yesterday I had a total nerdgasm imagining what Apple was going to introduce and how it could change the…

What I Hope Apple Unleashes Tomorrow

I’ve spent my professional career doing basically two things: making websites and making print media. It’s my hope that what Apple unleashes tomorrow is the device that finally bridges the two.

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.