Thoughts about Event

Hey San Franciscans: Come Get Intimate
Just a thought from 15 August 2006 about , , , , .

heather gold showMy fellow San Franciscans, got plans Friday night? If not, come watch me get intimate with Heather Gold!

Inspired by Shabbat Salons, comedian Heather Gold brings the talk show format into the 21st century. Her live talk show mixes thinkers, entertainers, doers and the audience with humor, curiosity and yes, a little soul.

This Friday's show is all about "Intimacy" and features comedian and survivor's rights activist Betsy Salkind, author/spoken word artist Michelle Tea, and yours truly, talking up digital intimacy.

It all happens the JCCSF, 3200 California Street, from 8:00-9:30pm. Hope to see you there!

UPDATE: It went great! Heather posted a great wrap-up.

The Powazek World Tour
Just a thought from 12 July 2006 about , , , , .

Today I embark on the very exciting 2006 Powazek World Tour. (Well, if you consider Portland and DC the world and two stops to be a tour, anyway.)

This Thursday and Friday I'll be participating in a private conference sponsored by - I swear I'm not making this up - the State Department. It's called the "Conference on Blogs and Democracy" and I'll be on a panel about "The Influence of the Blogosphere" and if I told you any more, I'd probably have to kill you.

But if I see Condoleezza, I promise to say hi for you.

webvisionsThen, next Thursday and Friday, July 20 and 21, I'll be in Portland to participate in Webvisions 2006. It looks to be a great lineup this year and, unlike the first stop on the Powazek World Tour, this one you can actually attend. And you should!

I'll be speaking on a panel about Business Blogging (free preview: "Don't start a conversation if you're not prepared to have one.") and I'll be reprising my New Community talk (free preview: "You need your community more than they need you.")

Looks to be a good couple of weeks for nerddom.

SF Lit Event
Just a thought from 2 March 2005 about , , .

my caliPlease join yours truly and a handful of other contributors to My California tomorrow, Thursday, March 3, for an evening of California storytelling at the Mechanics' Institute in San Francisco. It's gonna be fun! Tell the folks at the door that you're an "author's guest" to get in free.

UPDATE: The event was a wonderful success! Here's a photo of me reading my story, courtesy of my beautiful and talented wife.

me reading

Continue reading “SF Lit Event” »

Party Friday Night!
Just a thought from 23 February 2005 about , , , , , .

big showMe and the lovely wife have some photos up in our neighborhood cafe and we're having a little wine and cheese opening. The event also doubles as a launch party for our new photo magazine, JPG. Please come celebrate with us!

When: This Friday, February 25, 6-8pm.
Where: Reverie Cafe: 848 Cole Street (near Carl).

Yes, there'll be copies of JPG Magazine avaliable. Also, cheese. And coffee. And wine and beer. And us.

Here's hoping you'll be there too!

UPDATE: It rocked! Thanks to all who attended.

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
Just a thought from 22 October 2004 about , .

heart of coleHeather and I will have a booth at this Sunday's Heart of Cole Festival. We'll have lots of prints, calendars, cards, buttons, and stickers for sale. Look for us in front of the Cole Garage, next to the fabulous Superhero Designs. Rain or shine!

UPDATE: Heather and I are having an orgy of artistic preparation. The little Epson has been going for twelve hours, and there's little end in sight. Come see us tomorrow!

UPDATE AGAIN: Fair over. Was awesome. No rain. So tired.

UPDATE FOR THE LAST TIME: Here's what it looked like.

This section is called Just a Thought. It's a blog where I post little pieces of what I'm thinking about at the moment. This page shows thoughts about Event, including:

Hey San Franciscans: Come Get Intimate
15 August 2006

The Powazek World Tour
12 July 2006

SF Lit Event
2 March 2005

Party Friday Night!
23 February 2005

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
22 October 2004

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The Fine Print

Working the web since 1995, Derek Powazek is the creator of many award-winning websites, a couple of which still exist. Derek is the cofounder of JPG Magazine and the CCO of 8020 Publishing. Derek lives in San Francisco with his wife, two nutty Chihuahuas, a grumpy cat, and a house full of plants named Fred. More »

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Hey San Franciscans: Come Get Intimate  15 August 2006

The Powazek World Tour  12 July 2006

SF Lit Event  2 March 2005

Party Friday Night!  23 February 2005

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!  22 October 2004

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