Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Upcoming Appearances

I’m really excited about a few upcoming appearances. I’ll be speaking on community and design at some of the best conferences around.

an event apart

An Event Apart, Chicago, 13-14 October

The Wisdom of Communities
The web’s greatest gift is that it gives everyone a voice, but how you design and manage community features will determine if you get a chorus or a cacophony. Get practical tips and tricks for how to create positive participation on your site.

They put out the nicest press release, too. This one’s sold out already, alas.

future of web design

Future of Web Design, NYC, 3-4 November

The future of community and crowd-sourced design
Learning from the lessons of both successes and failures of community-generated projects, with an eye toward the future of the people-powered web.

Wanna come? Register with the code “FOWD/DP” for 15% off!


Webstock, Wellington NZ, 16-20 February 2009

Designing and Sustaining Creative Communities with Heather Champ
In this day-long workshop, we’ll cover the visual design of community tools, how interaction design influences participation, moderation techniques for managing community, the legal requirements for user-created content, and a look forward at the future of participative media. The workshop will include practical tips and tricks for how to create positive participation on your own site, and plenty of stories of success and failure to learn from.

Wanna come? Register today and be sure to select our workshop!

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.