Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis



Tomorrow I’ll be evenhanded. Tonight I say: Fuck the polite denouement. Fuck the armchair quarterbacking. Fuck the this-is-actually-a-good-thing rationalizations.

This sucks. Matt Gonzalez captured the heart of the city, the heart of my people, dammit, MY heart. He was the candidate of the renters, the artists, the people who make San Francisco the place I want to live in. And he lost.

He didn’t lose big. He lost by just five percent. But there is no “vice mayor” (no matter what Alioto wants to believe). And he lost to a greased up weasel with a mansion in the Marina who’s claim to fame is two failed attempts to make the homeless go somewhere else.

And Hallinan losing, too? Damn. That’s just cruel. That DA was the best thing to happen to this city. A fighter, unafraid to take on the police department and anyone else who broke the law.

Tomorrow I’ll be positive. Tomorrow I’ll try to find the silver lining.

Tonight, I’m just gonna be pissed.

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.