Upcoming Appearances
I’m really excited about a couple upcoming appearances.
Make/Think: AIGA Design Conference, Memphis, 8-11 October
I’ll be a panelist along with Jim Coudal, Jane Mount, and Liz Danzico.
Wisdom of Communities; Inspiring Communities
communities are growing up all around us. As the concepts of “crowdsourcing” and “curating” become part of our vocabulary, how must designers thoughtfully consider their communities? com- munities could once be defined by recognizable boundaries such as affiliations and locations, but what happens when a group grows up organically around something else? These veterans of online communities talk about curating for the wisdom of many, inspiring communities, and how these communities parallel and challenge our notion of how groups and relationships form.
Wanna come? Tickets are still available.
Little-known fact: I was born in Memphis. Shit howdy!
Edge of the Web, Perth, Australia, 4-6 November
I’m doing the keynote …
Wisdom of Community
Online community has typically meant snarky comments and flaming forums. Wouldn’t it be better if your community could collaborate to create something tangible, interesting, and maybe even wise? It’s possible! Derek Powazek will show you how.
… and half-day workshop.
Creative Community Building
Join Derek Powazek for an in-depth workshop on designing tools for creative online communities. Topics will include everything from the original design process, to sustaining and growing a community over time, and how to pull the plug when the time comes. Special attention will be paid to tools that implement the Wisdom of Crowds to enable communities to build something real, meaningful, and beautiful.
Wanna come? Tickets are still available.