Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis


We Do: A Celebration of Gay and Lesbian MarriageSpeaking of books, eleven of my Justly Married photos have been included in a new book, We Do: A Celebration of Gay and Lesbian Marriage, published by Chronicle Books. It’s a gorgeous book and such an honor to be included.

Yesterday was a little book launch party, where I got to meet the editors as well as some of the couples who were married at City Hall in February, a few of my fellow photographers, and even a local politico or two. There were speeches, there was champagne, there was cake, there were even goodie bags.

I feel very, very fortunate to have stumbled into all this. It was just a Sunday in February when Heather convinced me to go to City Hall to take pictures. And as a result of that lark, I made a poster that raised $2,000 for a political organization, published photos in magazines and a book, was interviewed for the newspaper, and included in a gallery show.

But most importantly, I’ve become aware of an issue on a personal level that most people like me don’t ever really think about too deeply. And I’ve been told by more that one person that the photos they saw had the same effect on them. As a photographer, and a person, I can think of no greater compliment.

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.