Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged For Sale

Fray Issue 2: Geek is Here!

After months of work and contributions by over 45 people, Fray issue 2 is finally here! It’s called Geek: True…

Not McCain’s Friend

After tonight’s second debate, I really had to get something off my chest. Or, better, on it. Are you tired…

Special Fray Mini-Issue: Wild Life

I know, we’re behind schedule with Fray issue 2. We’re working on it, I swear. In the meantime, here’s a…

I told you it was only on hiatus

Yes, that Fray. Illustration by the enormously talented Kevin Cornell.

My First Blurb Book

I’ve been playing with Blurb and their print on demand tools. Very cool. Here’s my first little photo book. Lomo…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.