Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Fun

Introducing Cute-Fight

Cute-Fight is designed to be surprising, adorable, and most of all fun. It’s full of amusing random delights. The web feels so damn serious these days. We just want a place that makes people smile.

Attention San Francisco: Literary Death Match Friday

To my fellow San Franciscans: Got plans this Friday night? Here’s something to do. So there’s this thing called Literary…

The Giant Squid (who just wants to be loved)

Len Peralta has a fantastic project going called Monster By Mail. You send him a few bucks and a name,…

Layer Tennis

Today at noon I’m playing Layer Tennis with Jason Santa Maria with none other than Jim Coudal doing the play-by-play.…

Kvetch! Reborn with Twitter a Decade Later

You know all those things you wish you could post to Twitter but don’t want to say with your name…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.