Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

What I’m Up To

So I’m starting a design studio. Something small, specializing in participatory interactive projects – sites that do something. It’ll just be me and a partner, at first. We’ve even got a small office space already, and an ever-growing list of clients. There’s just one thing we do not have. A name.

I have spent the last month trolling whois every night. A good web company needs a good domain name, and lemme tell you, they’re all taken. I mean, all of them. Even the sarcastic ones, the ones you look up even though you hate them. Makes a guy wanna make up a new word like “blog” or something.

So I’m wondering, dear reader, are you the kind of person who’s sitting on a cool dotcom that you might be willing to part with? If so, drop me a line. I’m serious. You’ll save me from the dysfunctional relationship I’m developing with the Whois Lookup.

More details on the company, whatever it’s called, soon. For now, I’m doing what every serious dotcom businessman does to start off his business. I’m speaking at a conference. Hope to see you there.

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.