Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Conference Madness

Pardon me while I toot my own horn and make you an offer you can’t refuse.

Operators are standing by!

On March 24-27, I’ll be speaking at User Interface 7 West in beautiful San Francisco. It’s a fantastic conference – informative, deep, and packed with brainy speakers like Jared Spool and Molly Holzschlag. The spectrum of topics covered is just incredible. Of course, I’ll be talking about community design, presenting an update of many of the topics covered in the book.

If all that sounds good you’d like to attend, I have a special treat for you! Just mention special promotion code DP01 to get $60 off each single-day registration, or a whopping $300 discount off the four-day registration. Such a deal!

So go register already! Hope to see you there.

Speaking of conferences…

I’ll also be moderating a panel at South by Southwest Interactive in Austin, TX, on March 10. If you’re attending the conference, do stop by to witness, as the conference panel description says:

Surviving Your Own Collaborative Project: Independent site creators Heather Champ (The Mirror Project), Derek Powazek (Design for Community), and Michael Schmidt (K10k) discuss the hazards of running a collaborative project, as well as pass on their tips and tricks for surviving their creations. A must-see panel for anyone running a multi-author blog, intranet, or community site.

SXSW is also ground zero for Fray Cafe 3, so if you’re in Austin on March 9, come tell a story! You’ll be sharing the very same stage as Scott Andrew LePera (of the Walkingbirds), who will be playing an solo acoustic set. Rumor also has it that two all-time favorite Fray performers will be performing: Slam poet chanteuse Tarin Towers and local Austinite and crazy man Ben Brown. Are the rumors true? Come to Fray Cafe and find out!

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.