Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Awesome Pixish Assignments

Hey artists! Looking for a fun project? Check out these fun new assignments from Moo, The Sound of Young America, and musician Andrew Combs.

  • The people at Moo love to print. If you’ve ever seen their work, you know they make beautiful cards and stickers. They’re holding an assignment to find artwork for a special stickerbook. 90 artists will win a year of Flickr Pro. Check it out in MOO’s Sticker Competition.
  • Jesse Thorn, aka America’s Radio Sweetheart, is the host of’s The Sound of Young America, a radio show about things that are awesome. He posted an assignment looking for artwork for their t-shirt, which will be used in their next pledge drive. 1-5 artists will win prizes worth $100 and Jesse Thorn’s voice on your answering machine. Check it out in The Shirt of Young America.
  • Andrew Combs is a singer-songwriter from Texas, and he’s looking for some beautiful artwork for the cover of his next CD. He loves the Holga, so you plastic lens people get crackin’! The winner will get $50. Check it out in Andrew Combs CD Artwork.

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.