Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Pixish

Pixish Closing October 31

Pixish will be closing its doors at the end of the month. Why? Mostly because of personal stuff. Pixish was…

Awesome Pixish Assignments

Hey artists! Looking for a fun project? Check out these fun new assignments from Moo, The Sound of Young America,…

A Few Hot Pixish Assignments

This post also appears in Pixish News. Pixish has been out for three weeks now, and we’re thrilled to see…

Pixish, Spec Work, and Graggers

This post also appears in Pixish News. During the Jewish holiday of Purim, we tell a story about a dude…

How Pixish Happened

With some stories, it’s hard to know where to begin. I could start with my obsession with photography and magazines…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.