Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Burning Man

1 Day to Burning Man

Then came Heather. I had sworn off Burning Man and she’d never been. She looked me in the eye and…

2 Days to Burning Man

I didn’t go to Burning Man in 1999. I was just back from Europe and brought a nasty cold with…

3 Days to Burning Man

Burning Man 1998. Year two of Fray Camp. We had 17 campers who I felt responsible for. I spent the…

The Road to Burning Man

My friend and Vogon once removed Ben Brown is on a pre-playa road trip, and he’s posting to his site…

Vogon 2002

A smattering of pictures from last year by my fellow Vogons Robin Jean and Heather Champ. Looking at these photos…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.