Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Burning Man

My Film Playa Pics

        Thanks to some help from my sweetie’s scanner, here’s the last of my Burning Man photos.…

More Potty Memories

Why is it that so many of my Burning Man Memories involve Porta Potties? There was the octogenarian I bumped…

New in {fray}: Joshua Tree Blooms

Burning Man. Arcosanti. The desert calls dreamers. If you were one of the 30,000 people with me in Black Rock…

Burning Memories

I’ll always remember the big things – the man burning, the Vogon camp, the look in Heather’s eye as we…

Video: The Swedish Cowboy Song

So this is a little difficult to explain. Just know this: It’s hot during the day at Burning Man. Really…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.