Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Crowdsourcing

Coming Up: Vidfest!

I’ll be in Vancouver later this week for my first Vidfest! That’s the Vancouver International Digital Festival, where I’ll be…

Click! A Crowd-Curated Exhibition

I’m an advisor to a really cool project happening right now in NYC. Click! A Crowd-Curated Exhibition. The Brooklyn Museum…

Weird Turn Pro: Crowdsourcing for Creatives

At SXSW Interactive 2008, I delivered a talk called Weird Turn Pro: Crowdsourcing for Creatives. I promised to put my…

See Ya’ll in Austin

Just a note that I’ll be speaking this Saturday 8 March at South by Southwest Interactive. Here’s the deets: The…

Upcoming Appearance: TOC in NYC

I’ll be speaking at O’Reilly’s Tools of Change conference for the second time on 11 February 2008. If you’re involved…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.