Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Magazines

Making The Bloody Thing Up

A quick story of magazine-making fun. In 1992, the features editor of Autocar magazine decided to play a little joke.…

Introducing MagCloud and the Future of Magazine Publishing

Short attention span version: For the last year, I’ve been working with HP Labs on a very cool new project.…

Fray Issue 1 Ships!

Fray Issue 1 is coming soon to a mailbox near you! These packs went out to contributors on Saturday –…

Let’s Talk Binding

I’ve always thought of Fray as more of a book series than a magazine. That’s because most magazines are made…

New in The Magazineer

New in The Magazineer: Southwest’s Eclectic Spirit (And, yes, the guy sitting next to me on the plane thought I…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.