Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Uncategorized

Justly Married Update

I’m in awe of what’s happened with my little photo collection. Since I put up my photos and made the…

Justly Married poster

Because people asked, I’ve made a poster of one of the Justly Married photos. All proceeds (minus the cut CafePress…

Let’s never fight again

{ Read the story and see the photos. } I admit it: I had my doubts about Mayor Newsom. I…

Happy V-Day Y’all

I’m celebrating today with my sweetie offline, but there’s plenty happening online today. I posted some flowers for Heather on…

Friday the 13th strikes

All I know for sure is that, one moment, I was holding this boombox in my left hand and a…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.