Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Uncategorized

A community isn’t a garden, it’s a bar.

It’s almost 2023. The world is different, the online world is very different, and I’m pushing 50. So I think it’s time we all start talking about online gathering places with a more apt metaphor: bars.

links for 2007-07-01

São Paulo: The City That Said No To Advertising I so want to go see this for myself. (tags: advertising)…

links for 2007-06-03

Gallery of Underwater Sculpture Gallery – Grenada, West Indies Stunning. (tags: photography) Sanctuary For All New internet-distributed sci-fi series produced…

The New New Thing

For the past few years, I’ve redesigned when the calendar flipped to a new year. Looking at it that…


Things the new guy likes: Walks The bed The couch Us Things the new guy doesn’t like: Stairs Being alone…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.