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{ personal log }

the weekend in pictures

moving boxes


Heather painted

spoo stayed out of the way

I painted

our new view

{ 12:04pm }



» wow! makes me wish i had a cat! (not to mention a cat, an apartment, and a camera that came off the top of my computer.)

adam conover  { 4.9.01 @ 1:03pm }

» I think Schmoo and my cat, Sammy, are related in a past life.

....they both have that "M" on the forehead...

Kevin-John  { 4.9.01 @ 2:04pm }

» Schmoo? Heh. It's actually "Spoo". Wasn't Schmoo an old cartoon character?

Derek  { 4.9.01 @ 2:16pm }

» Spoo..Schmooo... heheheh.. you can see... it's an easy mistake. Yes.. I think Schmoo was a little white ghosty character with a moustaché

psst.. don't tell Spoo I flubbed up on the name. I'm sure it wouldn't be good the next time we're in the same room.

Kevin-John  { 4.9.01 @ 2:52pm }

» Happy decorating and setting up folks!
I trust the rooms will look like the Sistine Chapel when you're done? Umm, okay, maybe not!

Tom Cosgrave  { 4.9.01 @ 4:29pm }

» When you're done, I know a flat in Amsterdam that needs some work done. :-)

A happy home on the both of you.

caroline  { 4.9.01 @ 5:00pm }

» Happy New Abode.
Looking at the picture of the open windows made me long for living in a city with old houses, bay windows and views.
By the way, Spoo has a look that's saying "Again, with the camera!?"

diva  { 4.9.01 @ 9:58pm }

» i must add a comment about the 'M' on the cats' foreheads. in researching cat breeds a while ago, i learned the 'M' is a distinct marking of the tabby pattern. tabbies can be of the spotted, ticked, mackerel, or classic varieties.

there are also legends that go along with this, such that christian legend deems the 'M' was placed by the madonna. evidently the baby jesus wouldn't sleep and she begged all of the animals to help her. a tabby kitten curled up next to him and purred him to sleep -- mary put the 'M' on his forehead as a reward.

well, it's interesting, at least...

happy new house, derek and heather. :)

allura  { 4.10.01 @ 5:17am }

» Chapter three is in one of those boxes marked "FRAGILE" isn't it? :)

I'm just teasing, no worries!

I hope both of you enjoy the new place!!

– your editor  { 4.10.01 @ 8:06am }

» Caption for Spoo: "Whaddya *mean,* this FedEx isn't for me?!"


roe  { 4.10.01 @ 8:14am }

» not only did schmoo have a moustache, he sounded like we all do after inhaling helium. I digress.

– ari  { 4.10.01 @ 11:06am }

» hey, i know your new view! i used to live not too far away from your new place, on fell & cole. congrats on the move; hope you enjoy the new 'hood!

tina  { 4.10.01 @ 12:38pm }

» Wow! Looking beautiful! Nice peaceful colors too.


Dinah  { 4.10.01 @ 12:58pm }

» nice, classic but mod, always good to start with basic white walls. So when's the rave happen?

john athayde  { 4.12.01 @ 9:21am }

» I just knew there would be pictures! Heather, how can you look so beautiful while atop a ladder... painting? And Derek, you look good, too! :-) Can't wait to see the new place; love ya...

– Momma  { 4.12.01 @ 7:09pm }


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» Goodbye old friend.

» Don't miss the photos and audio from Fray Cafe 2.

» Psst. Hey kid. Wanna buy some swag?

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Sometimes all the widgets backfire, encouraging the very behavior they're designed to avert. The rules have a dangerous side-effect: they create a game.
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  the slow glimmering descent
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  fray day 6
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