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powazek productions
{ personal log }

rss monkey is out!

RSS Monkey 1.0 is out and it just kicks so much ass. It's a personal RSS aggregator and it produces a javascript versions of the feed. No cgi? No problem.

Wanna try it? Put the following line of code on your page without any breaks and it'll produce feed of the two most recent posts to this site! (It looks like this.)

<script language="JavaScript"

You can also play with my install of the software. The design of the default templates was my contribution to the project, but the rest of the blame goes to Mister Ben Brown. Rock!

[UPDATE 11.19.01: For more info on syndicating personal log, read this!]

{ 5:55pm }


« before     { current }     after »

{ news }
» Goodbye old friend.

» Don't miss the photos and audio from Fray Cafe 2.

» Psst. Hey kid. Wanna buy some swag?

{ me.elsewhere }
  My snail tracks on the web.
» DfC profile
» New Riders profile
» Amazon wish list
» {fray} is page
» Mirror Project pics
» FilePile profile
{ new in dfc }
  Gaming the system: How moderation tools can backfire
Sometimes all the widgets backfire, encouraging the very behavior they're designed to avert. The rules have a dangerous side-effect: they create a game.
{ new in fray }
  "I wanted to spend the 4th with someone who always knew the way back home."

Counting Flags by Kevin Smokler.
{ new in sfstories }
  the slow glimmering descent
I've been watching fireworks there for years, but last night was different. And not just because it was clear.
{ new in fray org }
  fray day 6
Fray Day 6 is coming to cities all over the world on September 14, 2002. Come tell your story.
{ see also }