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powazek productions
{ personal log }

almost there

Seems like many aspects of my life are just about to bloom right now. The book is a flower bud, full of promise, not quite ready yet. Fred the corn plant is about to flower, his stalk growing at an alarming rate (click "more" below for a photo). And the new apartment upstairs is almost ready for us. Almost.

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fred strikes again

I can hardly believe it, but Fred is at it again!

{ more » }   { 9:10pm }

link soup

{ Links via MetaFilter, Heather, Frank, and the voices in my head. }

{ 11:18am }

spam spam spam

It seems that, lately, spammers have become very concerned about the size of my penis.

I find this sweet, unnerving, and also unnecessary.

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austin memories

Sometimes an experience is so intense, so amazing, so about the moment, that it leaves me with little to say. Anything said (or typed) would pale too much from the original beauty.

I've been back in San Francisco for three days and I still haven't come back to my senses. I've been eating nothing but Mexican food and I still crave smoky bars. I don't miss the humidity or the rain, but I sure do miss the friends.

It's a strange thing to know that some of my best friends are scattered all over the world, and I only get to see them at the occasional conference. These precious in-person moments are just enough to remind me why we've stayed in touch in this virtual realm for so long. When you strip away all the email and web pages, the conference sessions and business talk, the a-list and b-list nonsense ... all that remains is plain old friendship.

It's nice to know it still happens.

{ more » }   { 3:51pm }


hooray for fray cafe

Fray Cafe was a total absolute unqualified BLAST! If you were there, come post your experience. And if you weren't, I uploaded a few photos. You can, too! More soon.

{ 8:38am }


and boy was he grumpy

Talk about conference schwag! Today Heather and I got a monkey in a box. (For the record, it was "invasion of privacy," silly ape.)

{ 9:53am }


off to austin again

I'm busily folding laundry, loading up files on the powerbook, and trying to keep Spoo (my cat) out of my bag long enough to put my clothes into it. It's that time of year again.

{ more » }   { 11:23pm }


a fish story

I did panel number two. Bonus points for anyone who gets the reference.

{ 10:55am }


the professional and the personal

Exactly three months ago tonight I made a pretty big change here at I went from posting almost daily on what was basically a weblog to posting infrequently on what was basically a portal. This wasn't an accident.

{ more » }   { 9:38pm }

{ news }
» Goodbye old friend.

» Don't miss the photos and audio from Fray Cafe 2.

» Psst. Hey kid. Wanna buy some swag?

{ me.elsewhere }
  My snail tracks on the web.
» DfC profile
» New Riders profile
» Amazon wish list
» {fray} is page
» Mirror Project pics
» FilePile profile
{ new in dfc }
  Gaming the system: How moderation tools can backfire
Sometimes all the widgets backfire, encouraging the very behavior they're designed to avert. The rules have a dangerous side-effect: they create a game.
{ new in fray }
  "I wanted to spend the 4th with someone who always knew the way back home."

Counting Flags by Kevin Smokler.
{ new in sfstories }
  the slow glimmering descent
I've been watching fireworks there for years, but last night was different. And not just because it was clear.
{ new in fray org }
  fray day 6
Fray Day 6 is coming to cities all over the world on September 14, 2002. Come tell your story.
{ see also }