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powazek productions
{ personal log }

fd5 photos coming online

The Fray Day 5 Photo Galleries are coming online now. First up: Kyoto, Melbourne, and San Francisco. Check 'em out!

{ more » }   { 1:17am }


link: high holy days in nyc

I just discovered the Rossi Rant, and her stunning descriptions of the High Holy Days in NYC:

What I had forgotten was that The Javitts Center, the giant glass and steel structure that Congregation Beth Simchat Torah holds its Yom Kippur services in, was also something else: the command center for the disaster.

{ 11:55am }

l'shana tova

It's that time of year again, mom. Happy new year.

{ more » }   { 11:06am }


my criminal bag arrived

criminal bag up close

Only five days left to get one of your own!

{ 6:42pm }

put up or shut up

People who use IP anonymizer services to send other people hateful email are bed-wetting, sweaty-palmed, pathetic little cowards.

It's happened to me twice in the last few weeks, and I'm not alone. The worst part is, you can't respond to someone who's too cowardly to leave their name. So excuse me while I take a moment to respond here. (Happy, well-adjusted readers can just skip that "more" link.)

{ more » }   { 12:08am }


the summer of weddings continues

Congratulations, old friends.

{ 10:41am }


four new pieces

missing piecesWhen I put out my original call to NYC authors for Missing Pieces, many of them were, understandably, busy with other things. As a result, a few have come in late. So please welcome the four final stories: Sense of Direction by Anil Dash, I Am Not Afraid to Fly by Cameron Barrett, Escape by Edward Klink, and What the Bombs Did by Jeffrey Zeldman.

And, of course, I hope that you read the stories that have been added to the ever-growing posting area, and contribute your own. Somehow, reading all those stories, it shows how much we all have in common. And that makes me feel better.

{ 6:49pm }

dfc: grief and hope

In my most recent essay over at DfC, I cover some of the ways people have taken to the web to comfort each other and exchange information in the wake of the unthinkable terrorist attacks of September 11. And I want to hear from you! How has the internet helped you through this ordeal?

{ more » }   { 10:27am }


new log feature: remember me!

Thanks to this tutorial and this discussion, my humble log now has a new feature: it will remember who you are (if you ask it to) so you don't have to enter your info every time you want to leave a comment. Read on to see how it works.

{ more » }   { 1:34pm }


two more voices in the choir

Point. Counterpoint.

I know we're all sick of the stories. But, really, read these two. In this order.

You'll see.

{ 8:37pm }

new in dfc

There's tons of new stuff happening over at Design for Community – two new excerpts, a new essay, and a bunch of great new conversations. Check it out!

{ 5:29pm }



Because sometimes everyone needs an innocent little distraction....

fray shop special collection

(Only available until September 30. Collect all four!)

{ 8:38pm }

incredible imagery

"This is a mirror site featuring photos taken from a man fleeing the World Trade Center after Tuesday's Terrorist attacks."

{ 1:09pm }


new in {fray}

"Holes in the skyline, holes in our spirit."

Nine stories of Tuesday's attack from people who were there, and a place to share our own.

{ missing pieces }

{ more » }   { 2:42pm }

dmp on tv

The video from my TechTV appearance is now online.

I also went down to the studio today and taped another short bit for possible inclusion on Tech Live today. This talking head business is pretty strange, but I enjoy having the opportunity to shine some light on some of the positive stuff happening out there on the web.

Speaking of, there's a new {fray} story percolating. Stay tuned....

{ 1:35pm }

remembering fray day 5

Mirla has posted her story of attending Fray Day 5 in Grand Rapids (complete with photos). There's so much sadness flying around right now, it's nice to remember something positive. Thanks, Mirla.

{ 12:01pm }


fray day 5 wrap-ups

Wrap-ups from Fray Day 5 are coming in from all over the globe, and we're inviting you to come post your own! If you attended a Fray Day, please come tell us all about it.

{ 1:28am }


communities mobilize on the web

Amy Harmon in the New York Times:

Web Offers Both News and Comfort
The major news Web sites were quickly overloaded. Many links to the not-so-major news Web sites stopped working. But more than news, what people all over the world craved in the wake of yesterday's terrorist attacks was connection to each other, and many of them found that most easily achieved by going online.

I'll be on The Screen Savers tonight talking about this very topic - the ways web communities have mobilized to deal with the terrorist attacks. I was supposed to plug my book and Fray Day, but this seemed a touch more important.

Frankly, it's all I can think about right now.

{ 12:52pm }



Until she moved to LA a couple months ago, that's where my sister used to work.


{ more » }   { 8:17am }


five years of personal stories

To celebrate's 5th birthday, I've tweaked the front page to be an endlessly randomizing cascade of the last 5 years of {fray} stories. Check it out - I bet there are a few in there you've never seen before. (Plus I think it's cool to watch.)

{ 10:48am }



Yesterday: Interviews, interviews, interviews.

Today: Growing Online Communities, signing books.

Tomorrow: Design for Community, signing books.

Saturday: Fray Day 5 SF.


{ more » }   { 9:38am }


frozen, burnt, and back

In the last 12 days, I went to my first bachelor party, ate blueberries right off the bush while hiking the Alaskan wilderness, took 4 flights, sat in the back of an RV for 268 lumbering miles, shot two dozen rolls of film, drank (and sweated) gallons of water in the dusty desert, saw naked people painting themselves with food coloring, danced and danced and danced, rode a bike through a dust storm, and watched a giant wooden man burn to the ground while over 25,000 people screamed their heads off.

Today, I'm resting.

{ 1:17pm }

{ news }
» Goodbye old friend.

» Don't miss the photos and audio from Fray Cafe 2.

» Psst. Hey kid. Wanna buy some swag?

{ me.elsewhere }
  My snail tracks on the web.
» DfC profile
» New Riders profile
» Amazon wish list
» {fray} is page
» Mirror Project pics
» FilePile profile
{ new in dfc }
  Gaming the system: How moderation tools can backfire
Sometimes all the widgets backfire, encouraging the very behavior they're designed to avert. The rules have a dangerous side-effect: they create a game.
{ new in fray }
  "I wanted to spend the 4th with someone who always knew the way back home."

Counting Flags by Kevin Smokler.
{ new in sfstories }
  the slow glimmering descent
I've been watching fireworks there for years, but last night was different. And not just because it was clear.
{ new in fray org }
  fray day 6
Fray Day 6 is coming to cities all over the world on September 14, 2002. Come tell your story.
{ see also }