Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Archive for November 2004

That’s My Aunt!

AZ Central: Girl’s dream is reality: Doll House owners offer classic toys SCOTTSDALE – As a young girl in the…

Ephemera 500

Ephemera hit 500 this weekend, and it hasn’t even been a year yet. Rock!

Here We Go Again

Three things I said I’d never do again:      1. Work at a startup company.      2. Have a dayjob.…

Boob Tubed

Notes from an evening spent with Comedy Central: » Jon Stewart and Woody Harrelson: High or just giddy? I’d put…

Fray Day Rocked

Photo by Charlene Wright. I could not be prouder of how well Fray Day 8 San Francisco went. The stories…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.