Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Technorati

Librarians are Hiding Something!

Because Stephen Colbert told me so. Also interesting fact: As of this moment, a couple hours after the show, Google…

Design for Selfishness

In 1996, Paulina Borsook wrote a story that, frankly, really pissed me off. In “Cyberselfish,” published in Mother Jones and…

I Live in the Future

So today I found myself at home, sitting on the couch, plugged into my laptop. I was talking to a…

Technorati, Favorites, and Moving Forward

As a designer, I like big challenges. Sure, you can pay the bills endlessly tweaking a pixel here and there,…

Bring on the Ego Charting!

We released some cool new stuff over at Technorati last night. We now have interactive charty goodness for any keyword…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.