Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged TV

Haiku Reviews

Of the Lost season 3 finale: Flash-forwards are cool. Bet Michael’s in the casket. Worst fake beard ever. Of the…

The Subliminal Reassurances of Procedural Dramas Continue

A year and a half ago (my, how time flies) I wrote a little ditty about The Subliminal Reassurances of…

Librarians are Hiding Something!

Because Stephen Colbert told me so. Also interesting fact: As of this moment, a couple hours after the show, Google…

Colbert Jumps the Shark

I just wanted to be the first to make a post with these phrases: Colbert Report. Amy Sedaris. Tumble. Jump…

What’s a nice Viper deckhand like you doing in a Tiki Bar like this?

Battlestar Galactica may be in-between seasons after one of the most daring cliffhangers in TV history, but that doesn’t mean…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.