Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged TV

WWSD? (What Would Swearengen Do?)

My friends all know that I loves me some Deadwood. The award-winning HBO western is one of my favorite shows…

Thanks a lot, Apple

I’ve used Apple computers since high school. If it wasn’t for the Mac, I probably wouldn’t have wound up working…

“It’s So Big!”

I have to say, hearing my wife come into the living room and say, “Oh my God, it’s so big,”…

The Subliminal Reassurances of Procedural Dramas

Bones – Don’t worry, if you get killed and all that’s left of you are your bones, a brilliant but…

Dear Stephen Colbert

Hey Steve. You know I love you. I really do. Your reports on the Daily Show have been fantastic. The…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.