Evan fearlessly battles the waves at Fort Funston, San Francisco. Shot with a Lomo Fisheye.
I don’t have a lot of rituals in my life. I check email every five minutes, but that’s just a…
At the beginning of this month, I invited questions from you to help me through NaBloPoMo. We’ve covered the mundane,…
Bug zooms by on the beach at Fort Funston, San Francisco. Lomo Fisheye.
Waferbaby Terms of Service Best TOS ever. (tags: tos legalese) Fray: The Quarterly of True Stories It’s alive! Aliiiive! (tags:…
Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.
© Copyright Derek Powazek, all rights reserved. If you like something here, link to it, don’t copy it.