Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Interviews

Busy Bunny

Please excuse the interruption in Cute-Fight promotion for a little self-promotion.

Mister September

It’s an honor and a privilege to be selected as All Thing Girl’s Man of the Moment. I’ve always wanted…

I Grow, Boy!

I did a fun interview with Gayla Trail of You Grow Girl about my burgeoning orchid habit. Check it!

NaBloPoMo Q&A 10: Lightning Round

At the beginning of this month, I invited questions from you to help me through NaBloPoMo. We’ve covered the mundane,…

NaBloPoMo Q&A 9: Six for Dinner

Myla asked: If you could have a dinner party and invite any six people from history (past or present), who…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.