Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Archive for January 2009

Links for 2009-01-13: Publishing Perishing

Google Doesn't Have Answers for Newspapers Asking Google for help with print publishing is like asking a car dealer how…

Never Piss Off the Sound Guy

My friend Jed was the Sound Guy. We had two mics and four speakers, and it was his job to make sure everyone sounded good. With acoustic guitars and cheap equipment, it was no easy task.

Upcoming: An Event Apart

Just a scheduling note: I’ll be speaking at An Event Apart in Seattle on Tuesday 5 May. I’m going to…

I am a Jewish Atheist

And it makes perfect sense to me. The are large parts of Judaism that are about being a good person,…

2008 Personal Year in Review

January: DePo Skinny released, I geek out on copyright, Fray Busted ships, we get some press and have a reading,…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.