Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Cole Valley

Muni, Red Zones, and Faith in Humanity

Heather and I live in a small apartment building in a lovely little San Francisco neighborhood called Cole Valley. And…

The Reality of My Surroundings 2

I’m coming back home from walking the pups when I see them. A gaggle of drunk fifty-somethings, grey hair all…

The Reality of My Surroundings

Heather and I, we’re creative types. And, like many creative types, we know what an immaculately designed, pristinely clean house…

Justice, Cole Valley Style

Today I made peace with the fact that, yes, I am one of those neighborhood busybodies. Someday I will have…

The Really Big Show

For weeks Heather and I have been running the photo printer constantly, buying up lengths of wire and strange plastic…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.