Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Design

Do What You Suck At

In Merlin’s latest 43 Folders podcast, The Perfect Apostrophe, he tells the story of the book he almost wrote. You…

Conspicuous Cobrandification

I went to Amazon today and was greeted by this thing at the top of the homepage. Apparently it’s a…

The Importance of Creative Procrastination

Coders and designers, we’re from different tribes. Name any issue and we’ll neatly divide into sides: form and function, information…

Back in Black

My first laptop was a black Apple Powerbook G3, aka the WallStreet. I dragged the ten pound sucker across Europe…

What Would Google Do?

Google and I, we’re old friends. I’ve written about them here and there for years. Google, as a web innovator,…

← Back to Home

Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.