Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Journalism

“Shut Up!” and Other Lessons Founders Should Learn from Journalists

This story also appears in Found+Read. I know it’s cool to dis the “MSM” – it’s one of my favorite…

Participating in AssignmentZero Interview Week

I’ve been participating in AssignmentZero’s Interview Week, and the results have just gone online. Check it. Exploring the Dark Side…

Death to User-Generated Content

Dear internet, Can I make a suggestion? Let’s all stop using the phrase “user-generated content.” I’m serious. It’s a despicable,…

Dear Business Week

Thanks for featuring Fray, my humble site, in the lead of your recent story, You Are What You Post. We…

Bloggers Don’t Let Your Children Grow Up to Be Journalists

Here’s a fun thing to try: Ask your typical blogger what they think of journalists. “Hacks!” They’ll scream. “Journalism sucks!”…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.