Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Life

I am a Jewish Atheist

And it makes perfect sense to me. The are large parts of Judaism that are about being a good person,…

2008 Personal Year in Review

January: DePo Skinny released, I geek out on copyright, Fray Busted ships, we get some press and have a reading,…

Tamed By the Beast

A snowmobile is basically the biggest, meanest chainsaw you’ve ever seen, with two skis bolted to the front and a…

Wishing You A Grisly Death in the New Year

Consider the following thought experiment. Imagine that suddenly everyone around you begins to act funny. First your coworkers start to…

Regina Powazek 1919-2008

Regina Powazek is my father’s mother. She was born in Dobre, Poland, in 1919. When she was 20, the nazis…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.