What the hell is a weblog?You tell me.

Fostering a genre in second generation personal publishing ('the post home page web'), the weblog author performs a 'gentle art of agency'. Guiding readers to previewed sites, (s)he builds a relation to a loyal shared interests group of returning and at best responsive visitors, with individual preferences.

The voice of a weblog is what hooks its readers.

'Voice' consists of style and context, the choice (and amount) of links (by field of interest, design, technology, other content criteria); their mark-up, in a short, descriptive and/or critical blurb; the combination of the evidence: a good mix, bits in fine editorial juxtaposition; the look-and-feel of the site; the update pattern and other medium specific qualities. Medium specificity also means that weblog authors spend a lot of time online, if only to update their material. But also to keep in pace with the net and its technological and cultural development. Time spent is lessons learned.

W2W (weblog to weblog) linking and recycling bits between weblogs adds volume and value to the information on offer, in recontextualization.



I'd really like to see people build weblogs with tight topical foci - I recently saw a collaborative SportsNight weblog, for example, and it got me to thinking about the weblogs I'd love to see.

I know I'd read a weblog that focused on art crimes regularly, and a weblog that focused on collegiate basketball (especially now that it's coming on tourney time) would be fantastic.

It's a niche market, and chances are that a maintainer would never win the fame and adulation that some of the general webloggers have earned (Pop Culture Junk Mail aside).

It'd be a joy to visit, because the links wouldn't be the same ones you see linked to all over the place, and you'd get to inform people of things they're really interested in. (Such weblog readers self-select.)

julen {weblogdisc@julen.net}

You know I don't care what you call it. Just pick one name and stick with it so the rest of the world can catch up. Basically since the first time a webpage linked to another webpage and said, "hey check this out it's pretty nifty!" we've been WebLogging. Back then we just called it making a homepage. And then other people came along and said it sucked cuz all the homepage really was was links to other stuff. Which linked to other stuff. And there was the question of content. Perhaps weblogging will succeed where Usenet failed. It'll help the web continue to be the ongoing dynamic discourse of ideas. Usenet got lost in its own shuffle though, to the point where it became impossible to find anything of value. With Weblogging, if you have something to add to what someone else said? Link to it and add your two cents. Perhaps ask the guy you're linking to to link back. But this isn't new. What is revolutionary is the software. That it's even easier now to make a homepage than ever before. Just pick one word and stick with it. McDonalds didn't get where it is today by calling the Big Mac something different every alternate Thursday.

ZachsMind {zachsmind@yahoo.com}


I have called myself an artist since I can remember. I have loved the web, internet, technology whatever new since I can remember.

Yet...I still do not have a "homepage", "website", "webcam", "weblog" whatever is the latest jargon. Why? Because I have a certain definition in my head based upon what I have seen and read.

I am speaking in generalities here. Some weblogging I have enjoyed. But most of it does not seem real. It has the feel of "look at me" and just that, period. Am I really getting to know the person on the other side?

My marketing background has me calling it the ultimate self promotion. Just like television; if you don't like, change the channel.

Maybe one of these days I will break down and put my life out there for scrutiny.

Stephanie {conceptualvariety@yahoo.com}

Weblog: A global opinion tracker written specifically to satisfy our "craving for attention egos".

Jordhy Ledesma {jordhy@mail.com}


I tried to enjoy myself making a website with "content," (80s cartoons) but it was too much like work. So I resurrected my old Geocities account and started slapping links up for my friends. My weblog keeps their email inboxes a little less full, (okay... only a little) and it gives us this wonderful fake feeling of connection with people we never see anymore. And that's a weblog. I don't care whether it gets any hits, it doesn't even have a counter! And that's a great feeling.

M {m_m_cooper@yahoo.com}

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