I’ve lived in San Francisco for 15 years, which is 15 years more than anyone connected to this ad. San Francisco changed my life. I found a career here. I was married here. I bought property here. I’m never, ever leaving. So I think I can speak to what San Francisco Values really are. Here are a few of them.
A driver is not just the operator of a car. A driver is someone who knows the pulse of the roads. Someone who can navigate rush hour. Someone who can tell if the car in front is really going to turn, or just forgot their blinker was on. Someone who knows the silhouette of a speed trap from a mile away.
Why trust Facebook with the future’s past? — Scott Rosenberg's Wordyard "Facebook could be such a repository today, if it…
Salon: Google News gets gamed by a crappy content farm Scott Rosenberg on Google's faltering relevancy. Required reading. (tags: google…
Since the first one went so well, I decided to up the ante. Last weekend I attached six Woolly Pockets to my office wall and filled them with two dozen plants to make a vertical tropical garden. The installation was a breeze and, so far, all the plants are still happy. I love it.
Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.
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