Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Archive for August 2010

links for 2010-08-17

You Grow Girl | Gardening for the People. Beautiful redesign. (tags: design garden) Hallowed Ground A few photos of stuff…

links for 2010-08-12

Why Google Became A Carrier-Humping, Net Neutrality Surrender Monkey Google "rolled over for the carriers on their phones" and "gave…

links for 2010-08-11

A Man, A Plan And A Sharpie: 'The Great Typo Hunt' : NPR My hero. (tags: audio typos)

Twitter’s “Who to follow” Feature, aka WTF

Twitter is currently testing a new feature called “Who to follow” (henceforth referred by its unfortunate acronym, WTF). One of those 25% is, apparently, me. When I log in there’s a box on the main page that suggests two users for me to follow. If this sounds familiar, that’s because it’s exactly what Facebook does.

The purpose of a test like this is to gather feedback, so here’s some feedback.

I’m Not Pro-Gay Marriage, I’m Pro-Equality

In February 2004, as Heather and I were planning our wedding, San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom decided that he could no longer tolerate the state’s disregard of its own constitution, which states that all citizens are equal under the law. On Valentine’s Day 2004, City Hall began issuing marriage licenses to all couples, regardless of gender.

Word spread fast and Heather and I went down to City Hall to see what was happening. What we saw was indescribable joy. Floodgates of love opening. Cheers from the growing crowd as each couple exited the building, finally legally equal.

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.