Illustration of Derek Powazek by Adam Ellis

Posts Tagged Fun

Hey San Franciscans: Come Get Intimate

My fellow San Franciscans, got plans Friday night? If not, come watch me get intimate with Heather Gold! Inspired by…

My Dog is So Smart

Yesterday Heather and I were walking the pups through Golden Gate Park when we came upon Stow Lake. Heather noticed…

Attention Daily Show

Attention Daily Show with Jon Stewart: Hire this man immediately. Don’t make me beg.

My Blogger Code

Congrats to Jason for getting Blogger Code 2.0 out! I whipped up a little design lovin for it. Oh, and,…

Bring on the Ego Charting!

We released some cool new stuff over at Technorati last night. We now have interactive charty goodness for any keyword…

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Hi, I’m Derek. I used to make websites. Now I grow flowers and know things. I’m mostly harmless. More.